Workshop C: Publishers and ECRs Working Together


Staff member
Many initiatives have been launched that aim to empower early career researchers in the publishing ecosystem. Commercial and non-profit/society publishers alike have recognised the importance of engaging with ECRs, but what do they get out of these relationships and what are the benefits for the ECRs themselves? This workshop will explore the perspectives of both publishers and ECRs on existing initiatives, and generate recommendations to guide future plans. 


  • Dr Rose PENFOLD
    PhD Fellow at the University of Edinburgh
  • Dr Reinier PROSÉE
    Preprint Community Manager at The Company of Biologists
Morning all!

Looking forward to session 3 – thank you all for your active participation and valuable input yesterday! Based on your notes, we summarised the key challenges (+ possible solutions) when setting up an ECR initiative in the Google Doc below. This may be useful in session 3 (also, please feel free to keep adding challenges/solutions to this document).

Google Doc: