During the 2024 R2R Conference you can use this thread to comment on the Conference content or arrangements, raise questions and chat with other Conference Participants and Forum Members. This content is also visible to unregistered guest visitors to the Forum, although they cannot post without registering.

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Looking forrward to another packed programme this year. The workshop facilatators have been working hard to plan some interesting sessions for you.
Kamran Naim is talking about the SCOAP3 model; roughly: ‘keep subscription money to pay publishers to publish OA’. Tomorrow morning there will be a panel, partly discussing, roughly: ‘‘keep subscription money in the academy and build institutional repositories'.
The slides will be posted on the website over the next few days, and videos available in a couple of months ('Green OA').

Sorry about the voting problems at the start of the debate. Over 50 people managed to log in and about 40 voted in the end.

Unfortunately many of you were prevented from logging in due to the Forum security settings.